Milin Kodnongbua

Ph.D. Student @ UW (Computational Design and Fabrication).


Milin is a first-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is advised by Professor Adriana Schulz and is a part of Graphics and Imaging Laboratory Lab (GRAIL). Milin’s interests are in the domain of computational design and fabrication, where we use computational tools to complement advanced manufacturing techniques, like CNC machines, knitting machines, and 3D printing, to build novel physical artifacts.

Milin is currently looking for an internship opportunity during Summer 2024 as a research assistant. You can take a look at my CV. Please don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected].

Milin is also an active competitive programmers since 2017 with multiple honors. Recently, his team placed in the top 10 in the ICPC North America Championship 2022 and will advance to the ICPC World Finals in 2023.

Milin’s personal interests includes photography, playing musical instruments, language learning, badminton, graphics design, and content creation. Milin is an intermediate Korean learner and likes to watch Korean dramas in his free time. Also checkout his piano and guitar performance on his YouTube channel.

Selected Publications

  1. B-Rep Matching for Collaborating Across CAD Systems
    Benjamin Jones, James Noeckel, Milin Kodnongbua, Ilya Baran, and Adriana Schulz
    ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH) Jul 2023
  2. Computational Design of Passive Grippers
    Milin Kodnongbua, Ian Good, Yu Lou, Jeffrey Lipton, and Adriana Schulz
    ACM Trans. Graph. (SIGGRAPH). Jul 2022